Webinar – Let’s talk about Treatments (new webinar series)

In our new webinar series on treatments, we will be discussing treatment experiences with a variety of people, helping us all gain further insight and understanding for our own treatments. Each webinar will have time for questions and answers during the discussion.


Thursday May 30th @ 7:30pm  – Our guest is Liz Turner


We will be discussing treatments with Liz Turner, who is a Jikiden Reiki practitioner giving treatments to family and friends. She has a wealth of fascinating experiences in treating a wide range of issues.

Amanda will chat with Liz about some of her experiences, while you will have the opportunity to ask any questions that come up for you around these, or any other, treatments.

The link for this webinar will be sent closer to the date.

We look forward to seeing you then


May 30 2024

