Welcome to the JRUKA Members’ Enkaku Page
The JRUKA runs Enkaku projects for people in need of Reiki. Taking part in a project gives practitioners valuable practice and experience.
If you would like to take part and give Reiki for our latest Enkaku project, please let us know. If you are already taking part in a project, you can fill in the feedback form below for your project number.
The Enkaku Projects
We email members when a new project is starting. If you'd like to join one that is currently running, this is possible so please let us know by emailing the projects co-ordinator, Amanda Jayne, at info@jikidenreikuk.com
To join an Enkaku project, you will need to have valid insurance.
Each project will be guided by our capable project leader, Bob Marks, and will run for a minimum of 3 months. Your participation is an agreement to give distant Reiki to the recipient once a week or more during that period, after which you will have an option to leave or continue for a further month if the recipient needs more Reiki.
Project number 007
Project lead: Robert Marks
Project starts in February 2023.
If you would like to join this project, please email the JRUKA Enkaku Project Co-ordinator, Amanda Jayne
007 Enkaku Project Members
Please click on this link to give your feedback after each session.
Past Projects
Project number 006
Project lead: Robert Marks
Project started in February 2023.
If you would like to join a project, please email the JRUKA Enkaku Project Co-ordinator, Amanda Jayne
006 Project Members
This project has now finished.
Thank you so much to all the members who took part. We truly appreciate your time, care and Reiki.
Project number 005
Project lead: Debbie Ann Champion
Project started January 2022.
If you would like to join this project, please email the JRUKA Enkaku Project Co-ordinator, Amanda Jayne
005 Project Members
This project has now finished.
Thank you so much to all the members who took part. We truly appreciate your time, care and Reiki.
Project number 004
Project lead: Nigel Sykes-Thompson
Project started June 2021.
This project has now finished. If you would like to join a project, please email the JRUKA Enkaku Project Co-ordinator, Amanda Jayne
004 Project Members
This project has now finished.
Thank you so much to all the members who took part. We truly appreciate your time, care and Reiki.
Project number 003
Project lead: Amanda Jayne
Project started Sept 2020.
This project has now finished. If you would like to join a project, please email the JRUKA Enkaku Project Co-ordinator, Amanda Jayne
003 Project Members
This project has now finished.
Thank you so much to all the members who took part. We truly appreciate your time, care and Reiki.
Project number 002
Project lead: Amanda Jayne
Project started Sept 2020.
This project has now finished. If you would like to join a project, please email the JRUKA Enkaku Project Co-ordinator, Amanda Jayne
002 Project Members
This project has now finished.
Thank you so much to all the members who took part. We truly appreciate your time, care and Reiki.
Project number 001
Project lead: Carole Dawson
Project started July 2020.
This project has now finished. If you would like to join a project, please email the JRUKA Enkaku Project Co-ordinator, Amanda Jayne
001 Project Members
This project has now finished.
Thank you so much to all the members who took part. We truly appreciate your time, care and Reiki.
Got any questions?
Get in touch, we are here to help!